Shawamel Technology
 SHAWAMEL Technology


EduTech Solutions & Services
Like all sectors, education is changing - technology is now leading the charge, the demand for access to educational content is always increasing, learning spaces no longer have a traditional format, and now more than ever, students need to be taught, equipped and prepared differently.

We provide employability training solutions to students, graduates, education providers and employers.
The latest and most pressing issue to emerge in the global education sector is how competitive education
providers can be in helping their students to get from graduation to employment.Our Solutions & Services enable students and graduates to bring their soft skills, emotional intelligence, core values, personality type and unique value proposition in line with their academic performance in order to present well-rounded individuals who are capable of entering the workforce smoothly.

Students are encouraged to prepare resumes and job applications that are based upon marketing their own unique value proposition, rather than marketing one of the many hollow templated approaches which exist online today. Course outcomes include a professional LinkedIn profile, tidied social media profiles, resume and cover letters and much more.Our Services is for connecting the world of work and learning through technology. Our mission is to build the world’s leading system to help educators deliver scalable experiential learning programs.

Work integrated learning is a rapidly growing industry within the $1.5T global higher education market.
There is opportunity for disruption because of existing solutions, such as internships, have high overheads
and are hard to scale for both Corporate and University participants. We believe that our smart technology,
combined with the right business model, can also help change the economics and outcomes of work integrated learning, creating dramatic growth opportunities for the industry.
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